Easmar Logistics – We deliver what we promise.
Reliable transportation By rail, road, and sea – with expertise
Easmar Logistics is a versatile transportation company that specializes in rail cargo. In addition to rail transportation, we offer high-quality solutions for land and sea shipments globally.
Principles of successful service
High-quality transportation services tailored to the customer’s needs.
We strive to find a solution for all our customers’ needs.
Reliable delivery
Reliable services with experience spanning three decades.
What do we do?
Easmar Logistics is a versatile logistics company that specializes in railroad transportation. In addition to rail transportation, we offer tailored solutions for land and sea shipments globally. Our skilled personnel is our key resource. We offer today’s best logistics services reliably – We deliver what we promise.
What do we do?
Easmar Logistics Oy on monipuolinen logistiikkayhtiö, jonka erikoisosaamista ovat luotettavat rautatiekuljetukset. Asiakkaan tarpeeseen räätälöidyt ratkaisut raidekuljetusten ohella myös maa- ja merikuljetuksiin kaikkialla maailmassa. Ammattitaitoinen henkilöstö on kantava voimavara. Tarjoamme tämän päivän parhaat logistiikkaratkaisut jämptisti – se mikä luvataan, tehdään!